Safeguards against missing a renewal.

Email Reminder Service

RenewalsDesk will send you a first notification and then further reminders to whichever email or emails you specify. This can be the same email as the email address to which your RenewalsDesk Account is registered, or can be any other address you request us to send reminders to.

If you are signed up with an account, reminders are sent until you ask us to stop sending them (or if you stop using the account, and are no longer instructing us, we can also cease sending them). It is easy to stop reminders. You can delete any or all your cases from the system from within the client portal, or you can just send us an email telling us which cases you no longer wish to receive reminders for.

Contact Phone Number

We also ask for a contact phone number so that we have another option for contacting you in the event of a renewal becoming late, and us requiring confirmation that you intend for the patent or other IP right to lapse.

Auto Invoicing

This is the safest approach because once we have invoiced the case or cases, we have a very clear indication that you intend to pay the fee, and so we will send all reminders and follow up to ensure that we have a positive answer from you as to whether you wish to maintain the rights or not. If you simply don’t instruct us despite our reminders (and you don’t have auto invoicing on), then we will have to assume that you are not interested in maintaining the rights.